A WINSFORD student was celebrating last week when he received A grades in all four of his A-level subjects.

Michael Jones, from Sir John Deane's College, gained his results in English, Human Biology, Psychology and General Studies. He will be going to study English at Oxford University in early October.

The 18-year-old from Swanlow Lane said: "I'm just so glad to have finally found out what I got. Having to wait so long for the results is really stressful, but now I can think about going to university. I'm really looking forward to it."

Michael was not the only student with a smile on his face. Richard Parsons, of Partridge Close, gained all A grades in his subjects Chemistry, Electronics, Mathematics, Physics and General Studies. He is now going to York University to do electronic engineering.

The college has this year achieved the best A-level results in its history. This year's pass rate was 94 per cent, up two per cent from 1997.

The average points score per student was 22.5, also the highest achieved. The quality of the grades has also improved, with 65 per cent of the results at A to C grades.

College principal Mr Jack Tasker said: "I am extremely pleased with such an excellent set of results which are a credit to the students and their teachers.

"It is particularly pleasing that both the number of subjects passed and the quality of the passes have improved. The vast majority of students will have achieved the points required for the university of their choice."

Other high fliers from Winsford have also done well, with Gareth Thomas, of Redshank Avenue, off to Coventry to study transport design and Matthew Forrester, of Leven Avenue, going to Brasenose College, Oxford, to study politics, psychology and economics.

Sir John Deane's results

Winsford students

James Anderson, B, GS, G; Theresa Atherton, PA; Stephanie Barratt, HB, ELi, GS, Psy; John Beaty, ELa/Li, GS; Daniel Billinge, AD, ELa/Li, GS, G; Karl Bishop, BS, ELa/Li; Louise Brittleton, ADT, GS; Stephanie Burrows, B, C, GS, MEI M; Jodie Carney, BS, F, GS, TS; Amy Crawford, GS; Graham Davies, B, GS, G, MEI M; Helen Davies, AD, GS; Matthew Forrester, GS, Ger, PO, H BK; Joseph Gerrard, Com, ADT, GS, MEI M; Matthew Gunton, ELi, GS, Psy; Sarah Hannon, AD, F, GS, Ger; Louisa Harding, ELa/Li, GS; Peter Heaton, ADT, El, GS; Robert Hession, BS, ELa/Li, GS, So; Nicola Jeremy, ELi, GS, Ger, H AF, S; Ellinor Jones B, C, F, GS, Ger; Michael Jones, HB, ELa/Li, GS, Psy; Gemma Keen, BS, GS, IT, MEI M; David Kenworthy, ELi, GS, PA, Psy, TS; Mark Lumsden, BS, GS, IT; Paul Mason, B, C, GS, Ph; Paul McDean, B, C, GS; Louise McGrath, AD, GS, G, Psy; Laura McNie, ELi, GS, H BK, RS; Wayne Millar, BS, ELa/Li, GS, IT; Karen Orme, F, GS, PA, Psy; Julie Owen, BS, GS, G, IT; Richard Parsons, C, El, GS, MEI M, Ph; Adele Philips, HB, C, GS, Psy; Damian Phipps, GS, MEI M; Hannah Rippin, E, F, GS, Psy; Rachael Schollar, BSE, BS, GS, Psy; Angela Smith, ELi, GS, H BK, So; Victoria Smith, B, ELi, F, GS; Emma Stokes, AD, ELi, F; Sarah Teggin, AD, ELi, GS, TS; Gareth Thomas, AD, DT, GS, MEI M, P; Richard Tyrrell, HB; Stuart Walker, AD, BSE, DT; Helen Webber, GS, S; Edward Winward, DT, GS, MEI M, P; Frances Winward, BS, ELa, GS, H Af; Matthew Young, BS, GS, G, IT.

Middlewich students

Natalie Beveridge: B, C, GS, Ph; Angela Birkett, BS, F, GS, Po; Terri Bott, AD, GS, PA, TS; Joanne Bottomley, ELa/Li, F, GS, Psy; Craig Bradley, BS, GS, G, IT; Mark Bramhall, GS, IT, MEI M, P; Julia Brown, EL, GS, H AF, Psy, MEI S*, Christopher Buckley, C, Gs, MEI M, P, IT*; Sarah Cooper, HB, ELa/Li, GS, Psy; Samantha Green, ELi, GS, G, S; Thomas Hetherington, AD, GS, G, MEI M, PA; Chris Hunt, ADT, GS, MEI M, P*; Louise Jennings, BS, ELa/Li, GS; Nicola Jones, ELi, GS, H AF, S; Frances Lockwood, ELa, GS, MEI M, Mu; Michelle Newton, B, GS, H AF, M*; Caroline O'Brien, B, ELi, GS, Psy; Neil Palmer, El, GS, MEI M, P; Gemma Preston, ELi, GS, G, Ger; Heather Reynolds, B, ELi, GS, G; Amy Roberts, ELa/Li, F, GS, G; Gavin Tomlinson, B, GS, G, MEI M; Andrew Tutt, BSE, GS, G, IT; Samantha Warwick, F, GS, IT, S; Rosalyn Wildman, B, C, GS, MEI M, F; Rebecca Wilkinson, HB, ELi, GS, So; Laura Williams, ELi, GS, PA, TS; Emma Wrigley, ELa/Li, GS, H AF; Rachel Youd, B, ELi, GS.

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