SUM success was achieved at Mid-Cheshire College this week when principal John Howard announced a 100 per cent pass rate in maths A-level.

But this was not the only achievement the Hartford College, which is attended by students in Winsford and Middlewich, had to be proud of.

It also boasted a 100 per cent pass rate in physics, German and Spanish, 95 per cent in art and design and general studies, 85 per cent in human biology and 80 per cent in information technology.

Mr Howard, commented on the results.

"Yet again Mid-Cheshire College staff can feel proud of their students' successes.

"A-levels, an expanding and improving area of college provision, consistently produces significant results, and this is no exception.

"Many of our students have returned to study, often after raising a family, sometimes after having unsuccessfully attempted A-levels before, and more often after having started work and then realising the need for better qualifications.

"The mature environment and unpressurised and supportive atmosphere at Mid-Cheshire College often leads to excellent results for these students.

"The results reflect the commitment and hard work of staff and students alike."

NB A-level results to come from Northwich

RESULTS for students studying at Mid Cheshire College are:

Full time

Daniel Allman, IT, M*; Jens Anderson, Ger; Roya Arasteh, E; David Burgess, G, GS; Adam Booth, So*; Faye Bullock, Psy*; Tori Burrows, Psy*; Jean Chantler, E; Michael Cole, L; Jennifer Cook, L, GS, Psy; Clare Crompton, A; Lisa Cross, L; Matthew Davies, M*; Sarah Dewsbury, GS; Claire Dickinson, A; Melissa Dorfman, E; Stuart Dutton, BS, M*; Linda Eastwood, L, GS; Susan Eastwood, H*; Claire Egerton, So, GS; Kirsty Eggington, GS; Gary Evans, L; Paul Fairweather, GS*; Ellen Gonzalez-Parkes, A, Sp; Mark Goodridge, M, GS; Joanne Goulding, IT*; Samantha Gray, Psy, GS; Sophie Gregory, L; Simon Grimes, G, Psy; Reginald Hardingham, F; Mary Harris, H*; Matthew Hayes, M, Ph, C*; James Hibbeler, GS; Graham Houlden, F*; Nesta Hughes, HB; David Jeffery, GS, SS; Lynsey Jones, L; Anne Latham, E; Kim Lee, L, Psy; David Lloyd, GS; Toby Mather, GS, G*; Kathleen Milnes, So*; Timothy Owen, GS; Emma Powell, E; Lindsey Robinson, GS*, M*; Richard Rogerson, GS; Cerys Rowlands, L; Matthew Sandison, BS; Valerie Senior, F*; Donald Shallcross, M, IT, BS; Laura Sharps, L; Katrina Stagg, H*; William Stewart, GS, PE, IT*; James Strachan, GS; Clare Stubbs, M*; Amy Sweeney, So, Psy, E; Jenny Twiss, GS, So*; Susan Walker, L; Victoria Walton, So; Alexandra Whelan, PE; Chanaka Wikramaratne, IT, GS; Richard Wild, GS; Paul Woolley, L; Michelle Yates, A, M, Ph, G; Julia Yates, IT, BS.

Part time

Liesl Alexandra Allen, Psy, HB; Rosshene Anderson, A; Kate Laura Ashley, HB; Maria Mary Behrens, HB; Melanie Berta, Psy; Alexandra Jane Bourne, A; Dorothy Elizabeth Breeze, M; Veronica Cookson, Psy; Lisa Marie Cross, Psy; Rosaline Marie Dewsbury, M, Psy; Jane Elizabeth Dodd, HB; Emma Dove, A; Gina Louise Dutton, A; Kerry Fitzsimmons, PE; Kathy Michelle Gibson, HB; Catherine Michelle Grimes, A; Paula Hargreaves, PE; Lyn Hayes, A; Rachel Henderson, Psy; Katherine Alexandra Inge, A; Rachel Elizabeth Jackson, A; Karen Jagan, M; Julie Anne Johnson, ELa, Psy; Rebecca Keating, Psy; Susan Keightley, SS; Helen Jane Kenyon, A; Kelly Lavalette, A; Janet Karen Littler, A; Stephen Gerald Littler, Psy; Colin Andrew Mackay, C; Claire McKeown, A; Kristian Miles, F; Tracey Louise Molyneux, Psy; Stephen Moore, M; David Robert Murray, M, PE; Rebecca May Owen, A; Anna Francesca Purisiol, A; Emma Louise Rees, A; Andrew David Scanlan, PE; James Alexander Self, PE, HB; Pam Sudlow, A; Hayley Vanemmenis, PE; Mark Webb, PE; Graham Alan Wilkes, C; Nicola Clare Woods, A.

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