ROLO the hamster got himself caught in a sticky situation last week.

The little pet, of Alderley Road in Winnington, managed to crawl into a hole under the bath and fall into the cavity wall all the way downstairs.

Despite being trapped for two days, it was not the 'last Rolo' was going to see of his loving owners five-year-old Reigen Brown and her sister, Morgan, eight.

Their relieved dad, Ray, explained: "They had been playing with Rolo on Saturday and Reigen left his cage door open. We were having the house done up which is why he managed to crawl under the bath after escaping.

"We lifted all the floorboards up looking for him.

"Then on Sunday night we heard him scratching at the top of the front door. We couldn't get to him.

"But on Monday at about 5pm he'd managed to work himself to the bottom of the door.

"A neighbour came round with some tools and we knocked a brick out of the wall and put some food there.

"His head popped up and that was it! He must be resilient because we didn't think he'd survive."

Two-year-old Rolo, who was a little dusty-eyed and had bleeding feet, is now feeling much better with all the special treatment he's getting from his owners.

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