FIFTEEN victims of paedophile Bruce McLean are to sue Cheshire County Council for employing him at a Knutsford children's home.

Nine of them began legal action on Friday for damages after they were abused as children by care worker McLean at the local authority-run home, Kilrie, during the 1980s.

The victims now in their early 30s are hoping to each claim at least £10,000 damages.

Last week Cheshire County Council said it would be 'completely inappropriate' to comment because of the pending legal proceedings.

Bachelor McLean, now 42, was last year jailed for nine years at Chester Crown Court after being convicted of indecently assaulting 10 youngsters.

The writ against the council is believed to quote damages of £50,000.

On Friday, lawyer Peter Garsden, of Cheadle-based Abney Garsden McDonald solicitors, who are acting for the nine plaintiffs, said McLean's victims had shown signs of post traumatic stress.

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