MP Martin Bell this week called on Knutsford to mark the anniversary of Princess Diana's death - by reflecting on her life.

Speaking from his London home, he said this weekend - and especially Bank Holiday Monday - was an important opportunity for everyone.

"I think it is absurd to say the papers have gone over the top with their coverage this year because it has been led by the people," he said.

"I think we surprised ourselves last year and this weekend should be used as a time of reflection." Yesterday (Tuesday), the new vicar of St John's, Knutsford, was unsure how his church would mark her death.

"We haven't made specific arrangements yet, but I will meet the church wardens and try to make some arrangements," said the Rev Nigel Atkinson.

"I think the death of Diana was a shock to everyone because it made us realise it could happen to us at anytime so I think it is important to remember her."

Last year Knutsford's streets - normally crowded with Saturday shoppers - were deserted as the nation mourned the princess' death.

As the Guardian went to press last night, Knutsford Town Council had not made any plans to mark the anniversary.

"The town council has made no plans to commemorate the death of Princess Diana," said town mayor Hilda Gates.

Macclesfield Borough Council has arranged for the Union Flag to fly at half mast outside the council offices on Toft Road.

A member of staff, who is giving up some of her free time on Bank Holiday Monday, said: "I thought it was important for Knutsford to mark the anniversary of Diana's death so I offered to raise the flag."

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