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A KNUTSFORD hair salon was in chaos today after burglars stole all their clients' records.

Staff turned up for work at Partners in King Street to find their computer - which held details of client appointments, styles and colours - was missing.

"Basically we've no idea who's coming in, or what they're coming in for, until they walk through the door," said owner Ray Barker yesterday (Tuesday).

"There is no problem with people getting the wrong colour or the wrong perm, but it's caused us all sorts of problems.

"People are calling us to make and cancel appointments and we don't have any proper paper system. It's all on computer." Mr Barker discovered the raid when he opened for business on Thursday morning.

Intruders had ransacked the salon and stolen everything they could possibly carry - including the computer which holds the details of appointments and clients' styles and colours.

"They have deliberately made a mess," he said. "They dragged every bit of paperwork out and even unplugged the fridge.

"It looks like someone has thrown a hand grenade into the salon."

Almost every bottle of shampoo, hair product and hair brush were stolen in the £2,200 raid.

The crooks even helped themselves to tea, coffee and biscuits before wrenching the safe from the floor.

Yesterday (Tuesday) Mr Barker appealed to all clients who have made appointments to call the salon on 01565 651819.

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