SUSAN Treeton is hoping to profit from her business acumen.

The financial adviser is planning to set up a 'penny share' club giving would-be investors the chance to play the stock-market without losing thousands of pounds.

"The maximum people will be able to put in is £25 per month so you're never going to run the risk of losing a lot," said the 42-year-old.

"That's as much as some people spend on the Lottery every month - and you've got far more chance of making money from shares."

Susan, who lives in Bollington Avenue in Leftwich, is aiming to run a group which meets once a month at a restaurant, giving investors the chance to chat about investments and make friends at the same time.

The group should have around £250 to spend each month, and decide whether to put it all in one firm, or across a few.

"I do want to build up the social side of it as well," she said.

"Some people might find this kind of thing a bit daunting, but if it's done in a relaxed atmosphere, it might be more appealing."

The national firm which runs the idea recommends groups of 20. But ambitious Susan is already thinking about the possibility of having more members.

"If we get 30 or 40, we can just split into different groups and meet on different days," said the mother of two teenagers.

Susan's interest in the financial world stems from her work at Abbey Life.

"I'm very interested in the insurance side of things because I'm a widow," she said. "I'm very passionate about making sure people are alright if something happens."

If you want to join Susan's penny share club, ring her on 01606 43785.

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