AS an ardent cinema-goer and film buff, I hope I am not alone in wishing that Winsford's civic hall would reinvent itself as a popular, up-to-date cinema.

So many of the events which take place there are of little interest to people of my age - 17 - and it is rare that films shown are new.

It worries me that what is meant to be a developing town fails to see the advantages of having its own cinema.

The popularity of the Regal Cinema in Northwich suggests that a cinema in Winsford would certainly be well used.

What happens when Northwich cinema fails to show any film of interest to me?

If I want to go to the cinema, I then have to travel as far as Warrington or Chester to find what I want to see.

This kind of travel, usually by bus, adds more to the escalating costs of a night out at the movies, not helped by the expense of the bigger cinemas, and I find myself stuck at home watching bad TV instead.

Having a cinema in Winsford would add that little bit of variety that we all want as film-goers, and would encourage usually disinterested people to go and spend their money. The advantage of having the cinema right on the door step would surely be enough to tempt out even the greatest cynic.

Simply by increasing the number of film shows at the Civic Hall and making them more up-to-date, far more people would become interested in spending evenings in their own town, rather than heading off to bigger and better places.


Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.