WINSFORD residents are being asked to help a woman trace her family tree.

Patricia Alsop from Billingham, Teeside, has been trying to trace her ancestors for more than a year.

So far, she has managed to find out that they lived in the Winsford area before moving to Billingham in the late 1800s.

She explained: "Apparently many many people from Cheshire arrived in Billingham in the late 1800s. A small hamlet of Billingham known as Haverton Hill was being established and a community was built because of the salt industry.

"My ancestors are known to have lived beside the river Weaver and worked in the salt mines."

Mrs Alsop is looking for anyone with a connection with the town who could help her.

"I know that the surname Davies, although common now, was not a common surname for the area of Winsford in the late 1800s.

"Having recently visited the area and spoken with local residents, I discovered that an address I had of a descendant born in Winnington Road, Over, is no longer there yet one house remains."

She is also looking at other connections in Winsford.

"I am interested in the United Methodist friendly church in High Street, Winsford, and anyone knowing the whereabouts of any parish records that I could use. Also St Paul's church in Winsford."

Despite the difficulty involved in her research, Mrs Alsop is enjoying the challenge: "To an outsider looking back and finding green belts where houses once stood it is quite fascinating, yet information is greatly required as to how the area used to be.

"If there are any readers out there researching the name Davies with a connection to Cleveland and the North East, perhaps they would like to make contact."

Mrs Alsop has already been successful in finding the names of some of her ancestors in this area.

They are: Harry, born 1858 in Moulton; Joseph, born 1882 in Winsford; Samuel, born 1871 in Whitegate; William, born 1876 in Wharton; Elizabeth born 1879 and Sarah born 1880 in Over. Joseph Davies born 1833 in Whitegate, married Sarah Whitlow born 1837 in Winsford. Also Edmund born 1807 and Edmund born 1772 in Whitegate.

She added: "I am led to believe that some family stayed in Cheshire. Where are they now?"

If you can help Mrs Alsop with her research, she can be contact on 01642 564043.

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