RESIDENTS won their fight this week to stop a former petrol station near their homes being redeveloped for car sales.

Sylk of Macclesfield wanted to create the new business at vacant premises on Rood Hill, Congleton.

However the scheme sparked opposition from people living in nearby Dane Bank Avenue, who were concerned about parking, loading and turning problems.

The scheme was refused by borough councillors because it represented an overintensive use of the site and would harm the amenities of people living nearby.

Sylk aimed to display up to 13 cars on the forecourt fronting the A34, and six parking spaces were earmarked for the back of the building for staff and customers.

Agents for Sylk said the scheme would result in a dramatic cut in the number of cars using the premises compared with its previous use as a petrol station.

A turning area was included in the scheme so cars did not have to reverse onto the A34, and staff would have been responsible for parking customers' cars at the back of the site to reduce the need for customers to drive down Dane Bank Avenue.

Residents claimed cars parking on the avenue caused obstructions, emerging from the avenue onto the A34 was very difficult and the site was unsuitable for car sales.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.