New high-tech security doors, which allow staff to control who enters the branch, have been installed at the Britannia in Crewe Road.

The move is the result of a security review following a robbery when raiders threatened staff and escaped with cash.

Under the new system staff operate a buzzer to allow customers in. If they don't recognise them passbook or credit card identification would be requested.

"Our staff were very upset by the raid, and even though they received counselling the memory of an ordeal like this is not easily forgotten,'' said branch manager Fay Birks.

"Making our staff feel safe at work has to be our top priority, so we have improved security while retaining the friendly atmosphere.

"The new security measures should make our staff and customers feel less vulnerable. As a small local branch we know many of our customers very well, which means they will still be able to use the branch without any delay.

"We're sure our customers understand why we have taken this action - they place their savings in our care and this is a responsibility we take very seriously.''

A buzzer has also been installed at a height for wheelchair users.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.