CAR CRASH victim Alan Carliano is spearheading a bid to form a support group for people whose lives have been shattered by severe head injuries.

He's teamed up with Winsford-based Tina Griffiths, former Toc H and MIND worker, to launch a local branch of Headway, an organisation already established in cities and large towns throughout the country.

"It offers both practical and moral support to anyone who has suffered brain damage whether the affects are on their mental or physical wellbeing - or both. It also offers help and backing to their families and carers," said Tina.

"The nearest group is Stoke and there is one in Manchester but we feel it's time there was some help nearer home for people in Mid and South Cheshire," she added.

She has experience of working with disabled people and is prepared to tackle the organising of a support group, a job that Alan would find difficult.

"Being able to share experiences, pro ence to my life and I'm sure there are others who feel the same."

"Unfortunately my injuries have affected my thinking and planning powers. Tina's offer to help means my hopes of establishing a group can get underway, provided we get a good response," said Alan.

He suffered brain damage in a road accident in Scotland and was in a coma for weeks, given just a 50-50 chance of surviving.

"It's taken me a long time to recover and the left hand side of my body still doesn't function properly. I get tired easily and often simply can't cope with things. But life's still sweet. I try and make the most of the capabilities I have and that's something I feel I could develop if I had the fellowship and support of others with similar problems. I have seen other Headway groups in action and when I moved to Crewe six months ago I looked for one to join," he added.

He and Tina are planning to base the local Headway support group in Winsford, at the town's Neighbourhood Centre.

"If we get enough response we will ask a Headway representative from Chester to come and help with the launch," said Tina.

Anyone interested in joining a local group can contact Tina and Alan on 01606 554603.

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