RESIDENTS in Crewe are up in arms about plans to site a communications mast at the bottom of their gardens.

People living in Pear Tree Avenue, Crewe are furious about a proposal to site the mast off Bradfield Road and have set up a petition.

Residents claim the tower, 15 metres high with an antenna of more than two metres, would be a "great monstrosity", too close to their homes and would affect the value of their houses.

Planning officer Andrew Dobson said he would not be supporting the construction.

He added that planning permission was not needed for the company to put the mast up but that the council was given 28 days to consider the siting and design.

"The Government has shown in the past that it is keen to support telecommunication masts, you have to have a good case to say why it should not be put there," he said.

"The council has already made it's mind up and I will be refusing this. It is exceptionally close to the rear gardens of neighbouring properties and the letters being written by the residents will help our case."

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