FRIENDS and family will be paying tribute next month to a student who died last year after being attacked in Nantwich.

Dan Edwards, of Eastern Road, Willaston, was just 21 when he died 17 days after being punched by amateur boxer Bradley Sandham.

The attack happened at a garage in Nantwich on Dan's sister Gillian's 18th birthday, September 12.

Sandham, of Underwood Lane, Crewe was sentenced in May to two and a half years for manslaughter, a sentence which shocked the community.

This year, on the anniversary of the attack, Dan's heartbroken father and sister are planning a walk to one of his favourite places to scatter his ashes.

Dan's friends are invited to go with the family although a final decision on the destination has not been made.

"We wanted to do something positive on Gillian's birthday because she hasn't been looking forward to it," said Mr Edwards.

"Our original intention was to go to the Lakes but we have been reviewing that and haven't finally decided.

"Another area was Beeston, Dan used to ride out there on his bike, that might be a better area to go to as the Lakes is two hours away and Beeston is a lot closer.

"It's a time when Gillian and I both have our birthdays and we are most missing Dan and of course it is the anniversary of the attack. It's all very emotional."

In the last month the family have been told it is too late to appeal and and that compensation would be reduced because Mr Edwards is a lone parent and because of Dan's actions before, during and after the attack - even though it was unprovoked.

Mr Edwards has received a very supportive letter from Crewe and Nantwich MP Gwyneth Dunwoody and the family are also planning to lodge an appeal against the compensation decision.

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