WARRINGTON Wolves' injury pile up is not as bad as first feared with Danny Farrar, Danny Nutley and Mark Forster all shaking off minor knocks.

A disciplinary hearing has also ruled that Mike Eagar's sending off on Saturday was sufficient punishment for his high tackle on Castleford's Jason Critchley.

Cas coach Stuart Raper's statement that the incident was not malicious seems to have helped the Australian centre's case at a hearing on Tuesday.

But the Wolves may still have to blood 17-year-old Academy player Paul Noone at loose forward or second row as Warren Stevens, ankle and Ian Knott, knee, are the latest additions to the Wolves sicklist.

They join Chris Rudd, Toa Kohe-Love, Jon Roper, Chris Morley, Mark Hilton and Adam Doyle on the unavailable rosta out of the club's 22-man squad.

Meanwhile Lee Penny, Brendon Tuuta and Mike Pechey are playing despite on-going injury problems.

Coach Darryl Van de Velde said: "The disciplinary decision is a big break for us - it's about time something went our way. Now we've got to take that positive and make it count on the field.

"We're well overdue a win and it's about time we gave the fans something to cheer about.

"We know we've got a lot of injury problems but it seems to me that in a losing dressing room, a minor knock becomes a big deal. It's a tough game and sometimes you just have to get on with it. You don't hear too many complaints coming through the door of the Wigan dressing room."

Hull saw their hopes of a top five play-off place extinguished by a revived St. Helens side at the Boulevard on Sunday in much the same was as Saints finished off Warrington's earlier this month.

The disappointment may well inflict the same kind of hangover on the Sharks as it has appeared to have on the Wolves during their last two games - but it is not something Van de Velde is relying on.

He said: "The play-off situation should not affect the way any professional player conducts himself on the pitch. He's there to give his all every week.

"We can't have the attitude of expecting Hull to come here with their heads down and if they do chose to do that then we've still got to be ready to take advantage of that."

It is testament to the good work of Hull coach Peter Walsh that his side were in the play-off frame for so long in their first season in Super League after promotion last year.

The half back pairing of Gary Lester and Craig Murdock is proving a productive one and Steve Prescott has been in inspirational form at full back.

Van de Velde said: "Peter Walsh has a lot of coaching experience and you see that in the way his side has made the transition so well. A lot of his side only had experience in first division football prior to this year but they've competed well.

"Buying Murdock from Wigan and pairing him with Lester has done the job in the half backs and they've plenty of leg speed there.

"Jason Temu and Hitro Okesene are very solid in the prop department and Steve Prescott is a fine player. We certainly won't be putting too much ball his way."

Expected side: Lee Penny; Jason Roach, Vince Fawcett, Mike Eagar, Mark Forster; Mike Wainwright, Lee Briers; Gary Chambers, Danny Farrar, Danny Nutley, Steve McCurrie/ Chris Causey/ Paul Noone, Brendon Tuuta, Paul Noone/ Steve McCurrie.

Jon Roper continues to recover from his broken leg and ankle injury with remarkable speed and may be only two weeks away from returning to competitive football.

Fans who travelled to Castleford on Saturday will have seen him carry Warren Stevens off the pitch so there is no doubting the stand off's willingness to put weight on his injury.

Chris Rudd had a scan on his ankle on Wednesday and his Achilles injury is not as bad as it was thought. He is expected to play a part again this season.


IF Paul Noone makes his Wolves debut on Sunday he will be the third Academy player introduced to first team football this month.

He will be following in the footsteps of David Highton and Will Cowell.

Academy coach John Myler says: "I've got no qualms about Paul playing in the first team because he's a tough lad and he works hard. He makes 35 to 40 tackles and 20 drives a game for us at loose forward and he's a major part of the team.

"It's obviously tough for lads making the step up, particularly when there isn't an Alliance side this year but he's an uncompromising player and I'm sure he can do a job for the coach if needed."

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.