IN the British Legion sponsored Summer League final, Simms Cross Jokers added the Summer League title to the Second Division championship after defeating a strong Ring O'Bells side.

In the semis, which went down to the last frame between two players of high calibre, the evergreen Ste Bryant for the Jokers came up trumps.

In the other semi-final the Moorfield and WRLFC met in what turned out to be a comfortable match for the WRLFC with Moorfield knowing they could do better.

The final was contested by Simms Cross and the WRLFC.

This was a match which was full of everything from great potting, terrific tactics and controversial referee decisions.

The Jokers took a runaway start rattling up the frames but the WRLFC who were under strengthed plugged the gaps with some good wins.

The night belonged to Timmy Lunt and his team with an overall solid team performance and spirit which will make them a hard team to beat in the future.

This pack is full of more aces than Jokers.

Presentation night is Friday, September 11, 7.30pm at Our Lady's.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.