WIDESPREAD computer chaos predicted for the year 2000 will not place the lives of Halton Hospital's patients in peril, hospital bosses say.

Steps have been taken to ensure that hospital computers are millennium compliant, following reports that any service reliant on computer technology could fall victim to the Millennium Bug on January 1, 2000.

Fears have been raised that critical treatment systems which rely on computer technology could fail, throwing hospitals into crisis and putting patients' lives at risk.

Hospital spokesman Phil Dylak said: "All of our critical patient systems are millennium compliant. This includes the systems used in X-ray, admissions and minor injuries unit and theatre."

The bug is expected to affect computers because the date numerals 00 at the turn of the century will not be recognised in the system, causing computer systems to crash.

"We have detailed plans in place, which will all be implemented in time for the millennium," said Halton's chief executive Sheena Cumiskey.

Good news for staff is that the payroll system has also been vetted and declared millennium compliant.

Those systems which have not ben cleared are expected to be fixed in the near future.

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