JOHN Marshall was the pick of the GCSE bunch at Alsager School, scoring a stunning nine A-star grades in his exams.

John, of Cavendish Crescent, Alsager, was one of 9 pupils who achieved 9 A grades as the school recorded a record pass rate.

Some 70 per cent gained five grade Cs or better, beating the school's previous record in 1994 of 69 per cent.

John achieved a clean sweep, achieving A-stars in all nine of his exams, and will be going onto the sixth form at Alsager School to study mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Nine A levels were also gained by Caroline Burns, Jennifer Cole, Daniel Fisher, Julia Galletley, Hannah Lees, Edward Sutton, Alexandra Woolley and Katy Wright.

Daniel, Edward, Alexandra and Katy achieved six A stars, Julia and Jennifer gained five, Hannah achieved four A-starred grades, and Caroline gained two.

"The results continued the sequence of success at our high-achieving school,'' said headmaster David Black.

"We are delighted with the results and the students who worked so hard.

"It is unwise to read too much into one set of results, but the series of excellent results going back over the past five years speaks volumes for the dedication and commitment of the school's teachers.

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