PUPILS across Crewe and Sandbach received some of the 50,000 GCSE exam results delivered across Cheshire last Thursday.

Cheshire County Council advisers will be looking closely at them because each education authority has to prepare targets for improvements in numeracy and literacy and the GCSE results.

Crewe county councillor, and chairman of the education committee, Peter Nurse said: "Some youngsters are sure to have achieved more than they dared hope while others must live with bitter disappointment.

"The successful should enjoy the moment, they will have deserved it. But their classmates must not despair because there will be advice available for those who need it at their schools in the new term."

SANDBACH School headteacher Colin Brown was delighted by his pupils' results which saw a record year of passes.

He said: "I am absolutely delighted to record an outstanding pass rate of 68 per cent of year 11 boys gaining five or more subjects at grades A* to C.

"This beats the school's previous best mark by nine per cent and represents a rise of 46 per cent over the 10 years of GCSE.

"It puts the school in the top bracket for boys performance not only locally but nationally.

"The results are a tribute to the hard work of the boys but also to the skill and dedication of the teaching staff.

"The results come at the end of a superb year for the school and fully support the excellent OFSTED report on our academic standards."

THE headteachers of Coppenhall, Kings Grove, St Thomas More, Ruskin and Victoria High Schools said they were very pleased with year's results.

In a joint statement they said they were pleased with: "the standard of achievement shown in the examination results by the pupils of our schools.

"The results reflect the hard work of pupils, the support of parents and the dedication of teachers at both primary and secondary schools across the town.

"The pupils' achievements provide a sound basis for them to progress into further education or the world of work.

"We are pleased that this year's results reflect the high quality of education and commitment in Crewe's schools to providing pupils with the best possible start to their adult lives."

SOUTH Cheshire College is opening its doors to this year's GCSE successes at schools across the borough as well as celebrating its own students' results.

The college had a 100 per cent pass rate in photography and more than half the Spanish candidates gained A* or A grades.

Many students were taking resits to improve on previous results and those on pert-time courses received excellent grades.

Derek Schofield, GCSE and A Level co-ordinator said: "In some cases, passing such subjects as maths and English are vital for careers and admission into higher education, so the passes that our students have achieved represent real success."

College marketing manager Karen Gee said: "We would like to congratulate all our partner schools for the success they have had this year in delivering a quality education to pupils.

"Youngsters now have the opportunity to continue to study and train for the careers they want by signing up for further education courses at South Cheshire College."

Enrolment at the college is between 2pm and 8pm from September 7 to 9 and on Saturday September 12 between 10am and 4pm. For more information telephone 01270 654652.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.