A GROUP of Crewe children were especially revved-up for starting at high school last week after they were treated to a ride in a Bentley.

The pupils were taken for a drive in the country as a reward for their efforts on a summer literacy course run by Victoria High School.

The course, which is a government initiative and the only one of its kind in South Cheshire, has been introduced to help struggling students cope with the step up from junior school.

Headteacher Greg Brown said the 30 children had worked hard.

"We are hoping that this extra help will give them confidence to make a success of moving up to high school and it has required a lot of commitment and time from the staff, the children and their parents," he said.

"I have been delighted by the way in which the children have responded to the summer school. They have been very positive about it and not only have got a lot from it, but they have certainly enjoyed it."

Mr Brown said he wanted to make the summer courses a regular fixture in the school's calendar.

"This is a government initiative and we are still learning from it. Providing the government funding is still there for next year we hope to do it again and develop it further," he said.

"These are all children who we feel could benefit from extra work on basic skills, and some of the work they are doing is quite advanced.

"As a reward they were all given the treat of a trip in a Bentley, courtesy of Rolls Royce, which was very nice and supportive of them."

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