FINE weather and an afternoon of fun-filled entertainment drew a large crowd to the annual Trinity Methodist Church field day on Saturday.

The day was memorable for all those taking part, especially young Kim Roberts, who was crowned as this year's Sunday School Queen.

And it also proved to be a profitable occasion for the church in Station Road, Winsford, which raised £4,116 from the day's events.

On a warm afternoon, the field day began with a colourful procession along Ledward Street, Crook Lane and Station Road, which was watched by many residents and church friends.

The crowning and opening ceremonies were then performed at Church Field by Mrs Jane Bagley, a former Sunday School Queen and church member.

As well as Kim Roberts taking on the role of Sunday School Queen, Annabel Broome became the 1998 Fairy Queen and Helen Roberts was crowned as the Primary Rose Queen.

During the rest of the afternoon the crowd on the field were entertained by four dancing troupes from Oldham, plus the Trinity Line Dancing Group.

All the event's stalls and sideshows were well supported, and the day was rounded off with a barbecue and evening concerts from the Sunday School children and adults.

A spokesman for the church said: "We would like to offer our sincere thanks to the church members and many friends in the locality who gave such generous support to the event."

The money raised from the field day will go towards church funds.

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