PUT your mind at rest - Buddhist teacher John Davies is returning to Winsford this month to resume his evening meditation classes.

John began his classes at the Odiyana Buddhist Centre in Northwich in 1993, starting in Winsford 18 months ago due to popular demand.

Throughout the autumn the Meadowbank Lodge Day Centre in Grange Lane, Winsford, will hold the weekly sessions, starting with a free public talk on meditation and mind control on September 9.

At a time of year when Winsford people may be considering pursuing a new educational path, John believes that an evening class which empties the mind of stress and irritation, rather cram it with more general knowledge and information, is a more satisfying option.

And his simple lessons enable all kinds of people to adapt to meditation as a form of regular daily exercise.

He said: "The sessions benefit everyone regardless of age or lifestyle and there is no commitment to follow the Buddhist path.

"The format includes relaxation and a talk, followed by further meditation and question and answer - no qualifications or previous experience are needed.

"As well as being relaxing and enjoyable, they are helpful to anyone interested in finding peace of mind in daily life because the techniques are practical and easy to do at home.

"The main advantages are improved health and happiness from following a regular daily schedule."

The local businessman, who lives in Wincham, has been a practising Buddhist for six years after being inspired by a talk from Swiss Buddhist Nun Kelsang Kulsang.

Once he became a practitioner, he was soon persuaded to bring his wise words over to Winsford

John explained: "When I started the classes in Northwich five years ago there were a lot of people from Winsford interested.

"I moved here 18 months ago because Winsford people who couldn't travel requested somewhere nearby so someone took over from me at the centre in Northwich to let me come here.

"It's been a success. Some have been here from day one and are still coming and I hope to get more people interested this time."

The introductory talk will be at the Meadowbank Lodge on Wednesday, September 9, starting at 7.30pm. For more information contact John on 01565 733714.

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