THE keenly-awaited local inquiry into Vale Royal Borough Council's Local Plan begins on Tuesday, September 8.

The inquiry will give objectors to the plan a chance to say why the council's planning proposals and policies should be changed.

Their evidence, along with evidence from council officers, will be heard by an independent Government inspector.

It has been announced that the inspector will be David Fenton and not Trevor Cookson as originally intended.

The inquiry will take place over a six-month period, starting with a discussion about the general strategy of the plan.

On Thursday, September 10, and Tuesday, September 15, the inspector will listen to arguments for and against the proposed allocation of 40 hectares of land to the south of the Northwich Bypass at Lostock Longwood for a regional warehouse and goods distribution site.

Planning policies and proposals will be discussed generally in the same order as they appear in the plan.

The inquiry is to run on a basis of three successive weeks of hearings followed by a one-week recess. There will be a break in the inquiry from December 21 to 31.

At the moment the programme for the inquiry is:

September 8 to 15 - general strategy

October 6 to 7 - natural environment

October 20 to December 10 - housing

January 5 to 7 - housing

February 2 to 10 - employment

March 2 and 3 - recreation and tourism/transportation

March 4 - public services/rural enterprises.

Members of the public can attend the inquiry and listen to the proceedings, which will be held in the council's offices at Wyvern House, The Drumber, Winsford.

Anyone wanting to know the specific dates when particular policies or proposals will be discussed can telephone David Birchall, the inquiry programme officer, on 867528.

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