A WINSFORD teenager forged a signature in order to cash a giro cheque belonging to someone else, magistrates heard.

Michael Jenkins, of Newbury Avenue, pleaded guilty to charges of theft and obtaining property by deception when he appeared before Northwich magistrates on Wednesday last week.

Mr Graham Gertson, prosecuting, told the court that 18-year-old Jenkins had illegally cashed the giro on May 23 this year.

He said: "The defendant was looking after a flat belonging to a Mr Dwyer while he was away.

"On his return at the beginning of July, Mr Dwyer went to sign on at Winsford and was told that one of his previous giro cheques, which he had not received, had been cashed.

"The giro had been cashed at the Post Office stores in Winsford by someone signing it M R Jenkins, and with Mr Dwyer's signature authorising Jenkins to cash the giro.

"Jenkins subsequently admitted taking the giro, signing it falsely and cashing it. The giro was for the amount of £100.70."

Mr Quentin Querelle, defending, said that his client had been "very naive" in forging Mr Dwyer's signature and cashing the giro cheque.

He added: "Mr Dwyer asked him to look after the premises while he was away, to look after the bills for him and to get his money, and that's what he did.

"The money was not used for his own purpose."

The magistrates gave Jenkins a conditional discharge for 12 months on both matters.

Jenkins was ordered to pay £60 towards court costs, but the prosecution's suggestion that Mr Dwyer should be awarded compensation was rejected by the magistrates.

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