Firstly, I would like to say how offended I was with Mr Neil's remark that I should n't have gone out while the children were under the playscheme's 'care', thus implying I was to blame. If parents are not supposed to leave home, then why is n't this specified on the enrollment form or anywhere else?

Secondly, why, after all the legislation designed to protect our children, does the CVS seem to be beyond these controls?

I would like to ask the following questions:

a) Why is there no child to staff ratio? Any amount of children can turn up to be supervised by the same amount of staff?

b) Are any of the staff qualified?

c) Are the leaders and assistants social serves/police checked?

d) What are the toilet facilities?

All the above criteria which apply to all other child caring professions eg childminders, schools, nurseries, do not seem to apply. This is what I can't understand. They are still looking after our children but with no controls.

This scheme seems to be accountable to no-one and that is why I contacted The Guardian. It was my last call after social services, the Education Department and the council.

All I want to see is that all organisations who look after 'our' children abide by the same rules and that is what I am going to continue to fight for.

I am not doubting the hard work and commitment of the CVS but I think it is time to close this 'loop hole' in the law.

When I put this to Mr Neil over the telephone he claimed it would lead to limited places on the playscheme but personally I would rather have my children safe for a few sessions than 'at risk' for the whole four weeks.


Green Bank Lane, Northwich.

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