But the most pressing issue for the club at the moment isn't football, rather the approaching deadlines for repayments to creditors.

On Monday Chairman Tom Shaw will tell shareholders at the General Meeting where the club stands financially three months after his rescue package saved it from liquidation.

Three days after that an initial £30,000 must be paid to creditors.

The final six figure payment must be made on October 10.

Should the payments not be made, the club will be put up for sale.

Tom Shaw was remaining tight lipped yesterday, Tuesday, about the club's prospects of making those payments.

He said: "Things are still under wraps for the time being. The shareholders will be the first to know about any developments in terms of payments."

Mr Shaw also revealed it is unlikely a financial deal will be signed and sealed before Monday's meeting, suggesting any deal to pay off all of the club's debts will have to be okayed by shareholders at an extraordinary meeting.

Rumours abound that Terry Warrender is being courted as a major investor in the club's future.

He was invited to Saturday's home game by Tom Shaw but was unable to attend due to business committments.

Mr Shaw was more willing to discuss the appointment of Peter Ward as Kevin Tully's successor.

"I was impressed with Peter when we took him on as Kevin's assistant, but in the last week I have been increasingly impressed by him.

"I don't want to say anything further about Kevin Tully, but I think things have worked out for the best," said Mr Shaw.

Peter Ward was equally optimistic about the team's future and his working relationship with the board.

He said: "Kevin is his own man and very unpredictable. I think the way he handled things was a bit silly really, but it has made an opening for me.

"Kevin wasn't happy with the budget, but you have to consider the club's situation.

"I think the budget is a workable one."

Of his footballing aspirations for the club Ward added: "Personally I want to win promotion but the board have a five year plan and if we don't win promotion this season it won't be the end of the world."

Ward remains realistic though: "With the budget we have got it is going to be difficult to win the division, but I think we have half a chance.

"I think we need two or three players. I only want to bring in players with Unibond Premier or Conference experience. Eddie Bishop is a Conference standard player, so his return will be a plus. I also hope to add Charlie Boyd to the squad."

Ward has already started off-loading players to make space for any new arrivals, releasing Kevin Langley and allowing Mark Wright to move to Altrincham where Kevin Tully has joined the back-room staff.

Another who could have been on his way was winger Brian Griffiths.

Ward revealed: "I talked to Brian and he wants to stick around and give it a shot. He hasn't figured in the first team yet but he will get a chance."

Ward takes his team to Leeds on Saturday to face Yorkshire Amateurs in the preliminary round of the FA Cup.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.