The man had just withdrawn cash from the Halifax machine on Witton Street, when he was attacked, at around 9.20pm on Sunday.

He suffered a blow to the head from a cylindrical bar but managed to hang on to his money after a scuffle.

The attacker fled up Albion Road towards Sainsbury's and was joined by a man.

Detective Constable Kevin Chambers said: "The man who was attacked wasn't able to get a very good look at the person - but we strongly suspect they were female."

The figure was aged around 16, and about 5ft 4ins in height.

She was wearing a distinctive blue baseball cap with a red peak and the word 'Budweiser' written on it in red.

DC Chambers added: "I'd like to appeal to anyone using either the Halifax or Abbey National cash machines at that time to contact us if they saw either a lone female, or a couple, acting suspiciously.

"I am also appealing for anyone who was in Albion Road to come forward for the same reasons."

You can ring DC Chambers on 01244 613258.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.