52% of grades awarded were in the higher A to C range whilst over 50 students achieved 9 GCSEs at these higher grades.

In total, 120 students achieved grades A to C in 5 or more GCSE subjects.

Headmaster Kevin Hollins said: 'We are proud that so many of our students exceeded expectations. Their hard work, combined with the dedication of the teaching staff, has brought justifiably high rewards'

"It is especially pleasing that we will be welcoming so many of our students back into the sixth form where I am sure they will maintain such high levels of achievement."

James Allen 0 (7), Lee Allen 0 (6), Phillippa Allen 9 (9), Olivia Armitage 2 (9), Carly Armstrong 8 (9), Lisa Arnold 7 (9), Asim Ashrif 7 (9), Claire Barker 1 (9), Edward Barnes 8 (9), Ryan Barnhill 1 (8), Heather Battisson 0 (7), Laura Bell 9 (9), Jonathon Bennett 2 (9), Natalie Bennett 1 (9), Lisa Bennetto 0 (7), Emma Bentley 9 (9), Oliver Berkin 7 (9), Rachel Beverley 0 (8), Thomas Birtles 9 (9), David Bithell 9 (9), Claire Bland 9 (9), Kathryn Bleakley 4 (9), Rebecca Blease 4 (9), Jonathan Bloor 9 (9), Neil Boardman 1 (9), Wesley Bollington 5 (9), Kimberley Bond 2 (9), Jason Bowler 8 (9), Tracey Booke 8 (9), Kerry Brookes 7 (9), Benjamin Broster 3 (9), Tracey Brown 2 (8), Davinia Butler 8 (9), Benjamin Carr 1 (9), Christopher Carr 0 (8), Lorna Carson 9 (9), John Chambers 9 (9), Laura Chandler 5 (9), Khalil Chaudry 5 (9), Thomas Coll 0 (8), Rebecca Collins 9 (9), Stuart Conner 5 (8), Suleman Constantinou 0 (9), Julia Cooke 7 (9), Gemma Coughlan 9 (9), Neil Cox 4 (9), Fergus Craig 7 (9), Emily Creamer 7 (9), Claire Croden 9 (9), Guy Cullen 1 (9), Alexander Cunnellon 9 (9), Michael Curtis 1 (9), Simon Darwell 0 (7), Gina Davies 0 (9), Victoria Dean 9 (9), Sarah Devereaux 7 (9), Natalie Dixon 9 (9), Dianne Dodgson 0 (7), Niall Donohoe 0 (7), Adam Drinkwater 1 (9), Adam Durkan 0 (9), Sophie Edgar 8 (9), Andrew Edminson 9 (9), Cassam Edoo 1 (9), Hannah Edwards 9 (9), David Eley 4 (9), James Enston 1 (9), Duran Fagan 1 (8), Katherine Falder 9 (9), Russell Finn 7 (9), Claire Finneran 5 (9), Joanne Ford 0 (8), Kate Freeman 9 (9), Helen Frost 9 (9), Amanda Gamble 0 (8), Richard Garrity 1 (9), Daniel Gilgrist 5 (9), Gemma Gleave 0 (7), Adam Goldstone 0 (9), Claire Goss 7 (9), David Gray 4 (9), Elizabeth Gray 4 (9), Martin Greenhalgh 7 (9), Lisa Griffiths 9 (9), Rebecca Grinham 9 (9), David Hall 0 (8), Freya-Raine Hall 6 (9), Sophie Hamer 7 (9), Jonathan Hammond 8 (9), Macheala Hampson 1 (8), David Hardy 9 (9), Richard Harney 0 (7), Mark Harrison 9 (9), Amy Hawkins 1 (9), Guy Haynes 5 (8), Jamie Henshall 5 (9), Siobhan Heron 9 (9), Victoria Heywood 0 (7), Edward Hibbert 2 (9), Jennifer Hickson 0 (2), Richard Hird 1 (9) Robert Hollis 9 (9), Robin Hosking 8 (9), Wayne Howard 0 (7), Matthew Howden 9 (9), Philip Howden 9 (9), Catherine Hughes 6 (9), Ninka Hulme 5 (9), Chad Hunter 9 (9), Laura Huxley 6 (9), Rebecca Jackson 9 (9), Rosemary Jackson 9 (9), Hayley Jacobs 1 (9), Philip Jagiflka 1 (9), Jugan Jerath 0 (9), David Jones 7 (9), Kyle Jones 8 (9), Leigh Jones 5 (9), Robert Jones 9 (9), Samantha Jones 7 (9), Nell Kendrick 5 (9), Philip Kerr 4 (9), Joseph Kerwin 1 (9), Katherine Lamb 5 (9), Gavin Lanata 5 (9), Thomas Latham 4 (8), Nicholas Leathley 0 (8), Andrew Leech 8 (9) Sheena Leung 2 (9), Katherine Lichten 6 (9), Hayley Lipson 7 (9), Shane Leufong 6 (9), James Lydon 0 (9), Sean Lyons 7 (9), Jonathan Mace 3 (8), Dino MacKey 9 (9), Matthew Mair 8 (9) Alexander Maltezos 1 (7), Christopher Mann 0 (9), Thomas Masey 1 (9), Nina Mason 9 (9), Rachel Mason 9 (9), Ximena Massam 8 (9), Jonathan Mayer 9 (9), Paul Maylett 0 (2), Kevin McCarthy 0 (1), Matthew McConville 4 (9), Maria McCreadie 0 (2), Anthony McDonald 9 (9), Nell Mc Partland 2 (9), Zoe Mills 0 (1), Jonathan Moran 8 (9), Natasha Murphy 0 (1), Ian Norbury 3 (9), Louise Norbury 2 (9), Sarah Norman 7 (9), Kathleen Nuttall 1 (8), Mary Nuttall 2 (8), Claire O'Brien 8 (9), Katy O'Connor 5 (9), Sasha O'Connor 4 (9), Rebecca O'Keefe 9 (9), Duncan Olive 3 (9), James Ormfrod 0 (8), Edward Padgett 9 (9), Victoria Palfreyman 9 (9), Claire Parrott 3 (9), Amy Pass 8 (9), James Pearse 8 (9), James Pearson 6 (9), Christopher Peers 2 (7), Simon Perry 5 (9), Alison Plenderleith 9 (9), Naomi Pound 3 (9), James Rathbone 0 (1), Laura Raven 0 (1), Carly Reed 0 (9), Nathan Reed 3 (9), Steven Reik 1 (9), Richard Reszka 0 (8), Ian Richardson 3 (9), Claire Rimmer 9 (9), Amalie Roberts 9 (9), Debra Roberts 2 (8), Aron Robinson 4 (9), Anna Marie Robison 2 (9), Kristian Robison 0 (9), Matthew Royle 1 (9), Richard Sellars 3 (9), Amrit Sewak 9 (9), James Seymour 8 (9), Jodie Shard 6 (9), Alana Shaw 6 (9), Matthew Shaw 4 (9), Arran Shirovay 2 (9), Rebecca Silver 0 (6), Christopher Simpson 0 (9), Anthony Sinclair 0 (8), Philip Sinclair 1 (9), Louise Skerratt 3 (9), Carl Smith 2 (9), Catherine Smithson 9 (9), Sarah Starkey 2 (8), Benjamin Stokes 2 (5), Nicholas Sykes 9 (9), Paul Taylor 7 (9), Alexander Thomas 3 (9), Robert Thomason 5 (9), Claire Thompson 7 (9), Heidi Thompson 8 (9), Nicholas Thompson 9 (9), Sarah Thorley 1 (8), Nathan Thornburn 0 (4), Peter Threlfall 1 (6), Lindsey Tomlinson 0 (8), Ainsley Tonkin 0 (9), Rachel Toon 1 (9), Stephen Travis 0 (4), Victoria Turner 4 (9), Ryan Tweedie 4 (9), Alison Umpleby 7 (9), Clare Vickers 9 (9), Darren Vickers 2 (9), Kelly Vickers 1 (9), Ray Waite 1 (9), Christopher Walker 2 (7), Richard Walker 0 (1), Kate Warburton 9 (9), Melanie Warburton 0 (8), Graham Weatherley 1 (9), Gareth Webster 9 (9), Richard Weightman 1 (9), Victoria Westwood 8 (9), Amanda Whitaker 8 (9), Adam Williams 9 (9), Paul Willshire 7 (9), Amy Wilson 9 (9), Robert Woolley 1 (8) Amy Wright 3 (9), Christopher Wright 0 (9), Rosemary Yohannan 9 (9), Kimberley Martinez 1 (1)-year 10.

YEAR 12 and 13: Arman Akram 0 (2), Stephen Aldhouse 1 (1), Robert Builer 1 (1), Paul Curtis 0 (1), Vanessa Daniel 1 (1) Laura Davies 0 (1), Sophie de la Perrell 0 (1), Neil Gazzard 0 (1), Kelly Hammond 1 (1), Craig Hedley 1 (1), Hannah Linnen 0 (1), Jack Littler 0 (1), Nicola Mathias 1 (1), Victoria Mooney 1 (1), Jonathan Oldfield 1 (1), Oliver Pearson 1 (1), Laura Rothwell 0 (1), Julia Runciman 0 (1), Adam Smith 1 (1), Christopher Stirling 1 (1), Kimberley Treloar 1 (1), Victoria Walton 1 (1), Claire Cooper 0 (1), Annelies Molenkamp 1 (1), Joseph Outram 0 (1)

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