Neil Anderton 9 (9), Thomas Arnot 2 (9), Sarah Beck 9 (9), Ross Bond 9 (9), Mark Bradley 0 (9), Martin Carden 8 (9), Yvonne Carter 2 (9), Andrew Connor 7 (9), Jane Cormack 8 (9), Katie Donlon 9 (9), Timothy Frith 0 (8), Scott Hadden 9 (9), Elizabeth Lappin 9 (9), John Lawrence 1 (7), Stefanos Liassides 8 (9), Patrick Mannion 0 (9), Kellie Martin 9 (9) Eleanor McNeil 8 (9), Christine Proctor 4 (9), Rose Simpson 9 (9), Amy Sutcliffe 9 (9), Benjamin Waddacor 1 (9), Natalie Webster 9 (9), Robert Wheatley 4 (9), Lesley Wilson 0 (8), Lee Ashton 1 (7), Edward Bloor 2 (9), Mark Boon 0 (7) Gemma Broughton 0 (4), Andrew Burgess 9 (9), Nicholas Clinton 9 (9),

Carley Coules 0 (1), Jonathan Dent 0 (5), Ian Dickenson 2 (7), Rachel Eaton 1 (7), Caroline Haskell 0 (5), Ian Hulme 2 (5), Julia Hyatt 9 (9), James Jerman 9 (9), Nigel (Daniel) Johnson 0 (3), Lindsay Kendrick 5 (9), Andrew Maddock 2 (9), Zoe Naylor 6 (9), Laura Pemberton 9 (9), Layann Roberts 2 (9), Victoria Rod 3 (8), Thomas Slater 9 (9), Kathryn Smith 9 (9) Catherine Street 1 (7), Kirsty Tyre 9 (9), Kimberley Williams 6 (9), Victoria Armitt 9 (9), Nicholas Braddon 9 (9) Christopher Bullar 6 (9), David Cooper 8 (9), Ruth Crawford 9 (9), Matthew Davis 8 (9), James Down 8 (9), Rachel Eaton 9 (9), Catherine Elliott 9 (9), Garry Frame 4 (9), Sarah Gooode 6 (9), Kim Jenkinson 3 (8), Tobias Kirk 9 (9), Cassandra Litchfield 9 (9), Niall McCracken 9 (9), Danielle Morrilly 0 (5), Emma Pierce 9 (9), Matthew Robinson 9 (9), Alasdair Sinclair 7 (9), Rebecca Skuse 9 (9), Nicola Strang 8 (9), Emma Sturmey 0 (9), Mark Taylor 0 (7), Fergus Thomas 9 (9), Thomas Whittaker 9 (9), Joanne Wyman 8 (9), David Alcock 1 (8), Jonathan Ankers 8 (9), James Best 9 (9), Andrew Brady 9 (9), Russell Brooks 0 (9), Thomas Carter 9 (9), Suzanne Gaffney 9 (9), Laura Gregory 8 (9), Kimberley Kelso 8 (9), Marc Leech 8 (9), John McGuinness 8 (9), Sophie Meredith 1 (7), Rachel Pritchard 3 (9), Victoria Ridley 0 (9), Julie Shepherd 9 (9), Peter Smith 8 (9), Catherine Stevens 8 (8), Richard Sumpter 9 (9), Stuart Tulloch 6 (9), Christopher Voce 3 (8), David White 8 (9), Charles Whitehurst 1 (8), Michelle Worrall 8 (9), James Ashbrook 5 (7), Sophie Bryant 9 (9), David Craig 9 (9), Andrew Davenport 0 (5), Adam Dean 1 (6), Matthew Essex 0 (9), Peter Hiett 8 (9), Matthew Hillhouse 2 (9), Leanne Huddart 2 (9), Rachel Maddock 9 (9), Julie Maguire 0 (9), Emma Price 9 (9), Kate Reid 4 (9), Emily Ross 8 (9), Ian Scarrott 7 (9), Mark Sheard 0 (8), Rachel Shuttleworth 5 (9), Rebecca Snelson 8 (9), Stephen Spence 4 (9), Hannah Taylor 9 (9), Michael Walsh 2 (7), Katherine Watson 9 (9), Clare Wheatley 7 (9), Caroline Appleyard 9 (9), Daniel Beale 7 (9), Alexandra Bennett 4 (8), Hannah Burnham 7 (9), Christopher Cairns 8 (9) Daniel Davies 0 (4), Rhiannon Elliott 5 (8), Amy Fisher 9 (9), Lisa Furnival 9 (9), Andrew Gate 5 (9), Nigel Harper 5 (7), Kimberley Harrison 2 (9), Heather Keeling 5 (9), Gareth Liddle 3 (9), James Lomas 1 (6), Iona MacDonald 9 (9), James Marrow 1 (7), John Mason 1 (8), Gareth Read 2 (9), Richard Robinson 3 (7), Mark Rowley 5 (8), Christina Stannard 9 (9), Gina Wade 0 (8), Michael Weaving 4 (9), Nicholas Williams 9 (9).

The first column shows the number of subjects awarded to each student with grades A-C and the second column shows the number of subjects awarded to each student with grades A-G.

87 of students in year 11 (59%), gained 5 or more grades A-C.

Our most successful students in the summer exams were: Tobias Kirk 9 grade As with 8 A, Thomas Slater 9 grade As with 8 A, Nicholas Braddon 8 grade As with 6 A, James Jerman 8 grade As with 4 A, Katherine Watson 8 grade As with 4 A, Christina Stannard 7 grade As with 4 A, Hannah Taylor 7 grade As with 4 A

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.