EVERYONE in town has been talking about who could have wrecked the toilets and why they took such direct action.

But no-one seems to know anything about it.

As the police continue their inquiries and the council starts rebuilding, the theorists have been busy - deciding on the sun-tanned man's motives.

Some residents suspect it was a local father, disgusted that the toilets were being used as a meeting place for homosexuals.

But others have urged caution, believing it could have been a drunken prank or bet.

"Maybe he thought the toilets were doing that much business that an extension was needed for a waiting room," said one.

But many have expressed disbelief that so few people saw the forklift truck trundling across the Heath during the morning rush-hour.

If you are the man who demolished the toilets please contact the Knutsford Guardian in confidence on 01565 751114 to tell us why you did it.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.