PUBLIC toilets - partly demolished by a suspected vigilante - are to be rebuilt.

And Knutsford residents will have to foot the bill.

"This was an act of vandalism which will be very costly to put right," said a Macclesfield Borough Council spokesman on Friday.

"It is public property so the money will come out of the public purse."

The Northwich Road men's toilets were wrecked by a man driving a forklift truck last week. Over the years the toilets have become notorious as a meeting place for homosexuals.

It is believed the suspected vigilante - described as suntanned and wearing a white T-shirt and baseball cap - drove the truck across the Heath before ploughing into the brick building. He headed off in the direction of Tatton Park.

Macclesfield is now working closely with the police to try to find the culprit.

"If we do find him we are going to take it further and try to get the money back," said a spokesman.

Builders have been called in to assess the damage - believed to be several thousand pounds - and the repairs will take place as soon as possible.

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