RESIDENTS of an historic Knutsford road discover today (Wednesday) if they will have a new pub on their doorstep.

Visitors to the Laal Q Tee restaurant in Gaskell Avenue must currently order food if they want a drink.

But magistrates must decide today if the restaurant should be allowed to upgrade to a full pub licence. The solicitor representing the restaurant's new owners said if the application was successful the Indian restaurant would get a facelift and be relaunched.

"Our application is to make it more of a brasserie or wine bar type of place," said Simon Armstrong.

Plans were submitted earlier this year by a London-based developer for a development of eight homes on the site. Councillors and residents liked the idea - but it was refused because there were too many houses in the scheme.

But Gaskell Avenue residents are unhappy with the new plan.

"All my neighbours are incandescent with rage about it," said Gaskell Avenue resident John Harrison.

"Why does someone want to put in for a full pub licence for a residential area?"

Mr Armstrong said on Friday he would meet residents face-to-face to discuss the proposal.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.