A FEW days ago I was returning home on a Friday evening along Kingsway South near the bridge, when a dog ran out right in front of our car. I immediately stopped, but the car behind was unable to do the same and came into the back of us.

The result is that our car is a write off and we are left with no means of transport. We shall have to start looking for another car although we had hoped that this one would have lasted us.

We are both pensioners in our late 70s and the trauma is unbelievable. I recently had a hip replacement and had to go back to hopsital to have an X-ray to see if the hip had been damaged. We both suffered from whiplash and are finding it difficult to get our lives together.

What would the reaction have been of the two girls on the pavement who presumably had the dogs in their charge, if I had killed the dog? Neither came to see if we were hurt, presumably they would not wish to be involved.

Perhaps in the future, if by chance they see this letter, they will look after their dogs and save someone else from the anquish we have suffered.



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