THEY say that when you're in a hole you should stop digging but Barbara Mawer just keeps on going.

The Liberal leader wants an integrated transport study but when it is pointed out that this is precisely what we have been working towards since April, when Warrington took control of transport from Cheshire County Council, she whinges.

For the first time ever, the council's bid to the Government for transport funding is based on the movement of real people, not cars and lorries.

If funded, it will save hundreds of accidents a year, provide safe routes to schools for children, make dramatic improvements for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport and will make Warrington a better place to live. All these measures will apply equally to north and south Warrington.

Yet she bizarrely dismisses with revolutionary programme as 'concerned with routine maintenance.'

The approach taken by New Labour on the transport problems of our town are based on consultation and fairness.

All areas of the town are included and no solutions are excluded, even light rail. However, although I am a fan of light rail, I know from my professional experience that it is neither feasible nor fundable for British towns like Warrington.

The integrated transport study and our bids for funding were decided after consultation and debate and every councillor, including Barbara Mawer, received copies.



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