IT will be a relief to Lymm Angling Club members that Village Pool seems to have made a recovery from its de-oxygenation and bounced back into form.

All species have been feeding well with most methods proving productive for members.

Over the road on Whitley Pool there had been a couple of reports that sport had slowed a little.

However, this did not put committee member Peter Done off. After fishing an evening session on Saturday he stated that the sport is as good as ever and he caught a typical selection of Whitley fish.

Using his favourite bread bait he caught several tench to 4.5lbs and crucien carp to 1.5lbs. He also reported being snapped by two unstoppable fish.

Without doubt fish of the week fell to member Leif Davey. While fishing for tench, his chosen quarry, at Lymmvale he hooked and landed what turned out to be his greatest fishing surprise, a 21lbs catfish.

Using 6lbs line, this monster moggy gave Leif a tremendous fight. Leif said: "I never expected anything like it. When it showed itself, it was as ugly as sin but I wouldn't swap the experience for a gold clock."

Although these fish grow to well over 100lbs on the continent, this fish is massive for this far north.

This fish was introduced into Lymmvale last year, one of a trio. Its growth rate is amazing as it has increased its body weight by one third since its introduction. Perhaps it eats cormorants.

Statham Pool continues to fish very well. Unfortunately, last week mosquitoes were out in droves, making it very uncomfortable for anglers. Members are advised to coat themselves liberally with insect repellent if intending to fish this water.

These dreadful little creatues infest Statham Pool due to the close proximity of the bog created by a dead length of the River Mersey which offers them the perfect environment.

As yet we are still not sure of the extent of the damage done to the fish stocks on Wincham Brook following the recent tanker accident.

There are some indications that it may not be quite as bad as first anticipated. Personally, I won't breath a sigh of relief until I hear those much awaited words from river specialist Steve Daley: "You won't believe what I've caught on Wincham today."

Grimsditch is under the microscope at the moment, with officers of the Environment Agency undertaking various tests to water and silt samples. At the time of writing, fish appear happy and are feeding well.

I can be contacted on 411774.

Neil Jupp

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.