SAINTS' coach-in-waiting Ellery Hanley has warned that he will only accept total commitment when he takes over the reigns at Knowsley Road later this year.

The former Great Britain coach takes over at Saints following the end of the 1998 season and the club's expected participation in the Grand Final play-off.

He said: "It wasn't a very hard decision to come back to Britian. There were a number of offers but they didn't suit me. Saints came in with a very good offer.

"They're a big club, well organised and I would say in the top three clubs in the game. It was always going to be a challenge taking over at a big club and it's one I relish."

Former Saints coach and now football operations manager, Eric Hughes, described Hanley's appointment as a 'mutual admiration'.

He added: "Once the decision was made that we would be looking for a new coach I was on to it. When we heard Ellery was in the country, we spoke to him and we're delighted to have secured his services."

Hanley revealed he has already started to work with some of the players on a very general basis and was delighted with the news this week that the services of captain, Chris Joynt, and record signing, Paul Newlove, have been retained until the year 2001.

He also revealed that his first priority will be to strengthen the squad.

He said: "St. Helens have got a very strong core of players but I will be going back to Australia to tie up a few business deals and will be looking at a few players over there. There are some additions needed and I will be looking at that."

But there's no chance of Hanley coming out of retirement in a playing capacity.

The 37-year-old added: "My days of playing football are over. I'm too slow to compete in today's game."

New Saints coach Ellery Hanley meets Chris Joynt and Paul Newlove.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.