AROMATHERAPIST Roy Bennicke is hoping his healing hands will bring a small amount of comfort to the people of war ravaged Sarajevo.

Roy, of Burnside Avenue, Stockton Heath, is travelling to the former Yugoslavia on October 18 with the Healing Hands Network.

He decided to volunteer for the unpaid work after reading about the mercy missions in an aromatherapy magazine.

"The Healing Hands Network tries to maintain four therapists out there at any one time," said Roy. "The Red Cross are there to tend to the injured, we deal with the aftermath and try to ease the trauma."

Roy, whose job usually involves easing the stresses and strains of Warrington life, is looking forward to the challenge of working in a new environment.

"Apart from a few paper rolls and my essential oils, all I'm taking with me is a pair of hands and an open heart," he said.

"I really don't know what to expect and it's a bit nerve wracking, but, we will be fully briefed before we go and I am working with a team."

He has raised all the money needed to go himself and will spend two weeks in Sarajevo on his "tour of duty".

"It was just something I decided I should do," Roy added. "I've never done anything like this before, and hopefully I will be able to make a real difference to people's lives."

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