A SPECIAL helpline has been re-opened following the conviction of a schoolteacher jailed for sexually abusing pupils.

Heath comprehensive English teacher Robert Prosser, 47, who used to teach at Fairfield high school Widnes, was locked up for nine years after confessing to 10 offences of indecent assault, two of gross indecency and two other serious sex offences.

Halton Council, the local education authority, is running the helpline for parents and children.

It was first opened following Prosser's arrest in July.

A full hearing will be held next week to make a final decision on Prosser's teaching career.

He was suspended pending the outcome of the court case.

Director of education Graham Talbot said he was satisfied with the verdict.

He praised staff and pupils at The Heath for being able to maintain a stable and productive environment throughout.

Mr Talbot said: "Cases of this nature, though fortunately rare, are always distressing and it is a credit to everyone involved that, through a great deal of support, there hasn't been a detrimental impact on the school.

"Our thoughts are with the victims and their families in this case.

"We hope very much that this conclusion helps them to close this unpleasant chapter in their lives and move on."

Heath head teacher Huw Davies said he was relieved that the case had been brought to a quick and satisfactory conclusion.

He said: "We have worked very hard over the past few months in that both pupils and staff have managed to continue with their work very successfully. Support has been readily available, both from the school and from the local education authority, for anyone who was in need of it and this will continue as long as is necessary."

The helpline number - 01928 796251 - will be open every day from 10am-11am and 2pm-3pm.

With regard to Prosser's teaching career, a spokesman for Halton Council said: "In accordance with legislation, a full hearing will take place next week to bring matters to a conclusion."

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