A COURAGEOUS young policewoman was hailed a heroine after saving the life of an elderly man.

PC Julie Ann Foran spotted smoke and flames coming from the window of a bungalow in Rose Street whileon foot patrol.

She walked in through the front door, which was open, and found a distressed old man, trying to put a fire out with a towel.

Quick-thinking Julie grasped hold of the man and pulled him out into the street.

She led him to the safety of a neighbour's house and then went back to evacuate people living near the blazing house.

The windows had blown out by this time, as the fire had engulfed the living room.

"It was thick black smoke," said new recruit Julie, who has only been on independent foot patrol in Widnes town centre for four weeks.

"The elderly man was very distressed and overcome by the fumes. I led him out on to the street.

"I never thought about the danger, I was the only one there. It's part of my job.

"It was only afterwards I thought about what might have happened."

The 77-year-old man, who does not wish to be named, sent a personal message of thanks to Julie for saving his life.

Sub-officer Keith Roberts, of Widnes fire station, commended her bravery.

He said: "Without a doubt, if she hadn't gone in, he might have died."

The fire broke out just after 2pm on Friday, January 22 in Rose Street, near Halton College.

The cause of the blaze is not yet known and is still under investigation.

The living room was completely destroyed and the rest of the council house was severely damaged by heat and smoke.

The elderly man was kept in Whiston Hospital overnight but discharged the following day.

He was suffering from smoke inhalation and shock.

He is now living with relatives until alternative council accommodation can be found.

Police Inspector Gary Finchett paid tribute to Julie. He said: "Julie's alertness to a dangerous situation has clearly saved the life of this elderly gentleman. Her actions were clearly commendable."

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