Widnes Rugby Union Football Club

Ashton-On-Mersey u16s 10

Widnes u16s 22

DESPITE having three forwards in the backs, Widnes were pretty well always in control.

Edwards looked particularly comfortable at centre and scored two tries to prove the point.

A breakaway score flattered the home side with the initial lead but this was wiped out by Field smashing over in the corner.

Edwards struck either side of the break to establish superiority and although Ashton-On-Mersey managed a comeback try, Lamb waltzed in from a quickly taken free-kick to seal the win.

Oldershaw u13s 0

Widnes u13s 69

"A POOL fixture that was a complete mismatch of talents" admitted the Oldershaw coach after the game, but Widnes were not to know that and straight from the kick-off they went about the task with their usual thorough performance

A measure of the superiority was that in the first 20 minutes Oldershaw, apart from a scrum or line-out, didn't handle the ball.

The second phase possession was a pleasure to see and the three-quarters used this abundant supply well, 13 tries are hard to describe but Critchley bagged four, Lightfoot a brace, Wavell whipped in at the corner and Rocky Chambers cheekily pinched one from a front of the line-out move that had been worked on in training.

One of the highlights was an excellent back-row performance from Langdon, who is improving with every session and the welcomed return of Savage after injury and illness.

Wids Kids u11s 42

Northwich u11s 14

WIDNES u11s got off to a pulsating start and dominated the first period with four converted tries in a one-sided affair.

Joe Maher was first to break through the visitor's defence with a weaving run to open the scoring.

Alan Carr was a constant threat to Northwich, powered through and set Danny Woods up for the second try.

Jack Cosgrove added the third try before the try of the game from Kevin Farrow who set off on halfway and sold more dummies than Mothercare as he sidestepped through the Northwich team.

In the second period, Widnes made tactical changes to make a match of it, Northwich raised their game and hit back with two tries.

Not to be outdone, this spared Widnes on to add two further tries.

The first from Carr after good work from Andrew White and a second from Maher who finished off a flowing move to round off an excellent display from Widnes.

Wids Kids u9s 60

Northwich u9s 25

IT was just a matter of time before the Wids Kids u9s inflicted a crushing defeat on a team, Northwich was that team and 12 tries the result.

Four tries by Ben Owen, all long-range powerful runs highlights the immense talent of this local lad.

Hat-tricks for Casey Watmore and the ever-improving Tom Ward and one try apiece for Shaun Newall and Gavin Hatton completed the scoring.

Teamwork was the basis for this victory and keeping the ball alive after the tackle enabled Widnes to keep the visitors under pressure, Neil Shaw, Henry Anderson and Ryan Martindale excelled at this.

Widnes swapped positions during the game with James Morris, Shaun Parsonage and Chris Vowles filling several positions.

Dane Boyle again gave a strong performance before retiring injured.

Wids Kids u8s 35

Northwich u8s 25

A GRITTY performance enable the Widnes u8s to beat a skilful Northwich side by seven tries to five.

Northwich opened the scoring with a combination of good handling and intelligent running.

The Wids hit back with a fine try from Kerr who was put clear by Parry.

Kerr had a fine match scoring another and setting up McLindon to score with a delightful scissors movement.

Seville also caught the eye with some vital interceptions and powerful running which earned him a well earned try.

Other scorers were Currier, Harden and Woods.

Wids Mom was James Kenyon who dominated the centre and supported the forwards well.

Webb entertained us with his skilful runs.

Steven-Davies was tigerish in the tackle whilst Oatley figured strongly in both attack and defence in a now familiar solid team performance from the Wids u8s.

Wids Kids u7s 40

Northwich u7s 25

THE kids were always in command despite not having their lions share of possession.

Two first-half tries from Chris Schofield and one each for Dan Oliver and George Lang made it 20-19 at half-time.

Strong support play brought Oliver a second-half hat-trick after excellent runs from Rimmer, Anderson and Schofield.

Lang ran the length of the field for the final try.

Solid performances were made by Magan and the ever-improving Griffiths to finally see off a spirited Northwich side 40-25.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.