RUMOURS that German cut-price food store Aldi was planning to close its new Runcorn store were strongly denied this week.

The company's Graham Hetheringtoni said: "No, it is not true. We are staying open and trading happily."

It was claimed that Aldi was set to temporarily close its store on the newly-named Trident Park complex, beside Halton Lea, because it was unhappy being surrounded by empty units.

Aldi is the only store, which started trading at the end of last year.

The £15 million retail and leisure park was set to open in the Spring with a nine-screen cinema and 12 mixed units.

However, so far, landlords Fordgate have been unable to find suitable tenants.

The cinema has been put on hold by Cine UK because of "contractual reasons" but the company says it is still definitely planning to open.

Halton Lea centre director Martyn Jones said he is confident the new development will be successfully completed.

Speaking exclusively to the World, Mr Jones said: "It is exciting. We have had a couple of new inquiries. I am confident it will open."

He said the owners, Fordgate, are prepared to wait until they can secure the right retail mix to make Trident Park a success.

"The owners are shrewd people," said Mr Jones. "It is purely private money. It is costing the landlord while it remains vacant. There hasn't been any financial help to develop this site.

"We have legal problems to be solved with the cinema.

"Aldi is trading very well."

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.