A TURF cutting ceremony is being held on February 4 to mark the start of Halton Hospital's new mental health unit in Widnes.

A 10-bedded unit is being built on the site of the old market in Market Street.

Hospital chief executive Sheena Cumiskey said: "This is the second part of the scheme to base Halton's mental health services in Halton itself.

"The Market Street development follows logically from the Brooker Centre, which was opened on the hospital's main Runcorn site last year.

"When complete, we will be able to match the mental health needs of the majority of our population in the areas where they live.

"The Market Street site, which is yet to be named, will offer a range of services curently provided at our Chapel Street clinic.

"But, unlike Chapel Street, it will also have 10 in-patient beds, meaning that patients from Widnes requiring an in-patient stay will not have to travel to Runcorn for their treatment."

Plans for the new development are on display in the Chapel Street and Brooker Centre sites.

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