A PLANNING application to turn areas of Winsford rock salt mine into an industrial waste dump is not likely to be submitted until March.

Minosus, the Bostock-based company behind the scheme, is waiting to gauge public reaction before it progresses a stage further.

The advanced waste mangement facility will store dry wastes like fly ash, slags from smelting operations and waste from clothes and furniture firms, amongs others. It will be kept in a worked-out area of the mine at the Number 4 Shaft in Jack Lane.

Minosus released a community newsletter last week to give local people a say about the developments.

Managing director Roger Shaw said: "We are looking to submit our planning application around the middle of March but have always wanted local people to have the chance to study our proposals and comment on them before we do that.

"That is why we have committed ourselves to a period of public consultation before lodging our application.

"Our consultation exercise is, of course, over and above the statutory one that will be carried out by Cheshire County Council when we submit our application to them in the next few weeks."

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