A HARD-HITTING drugs awareness project tackling issues affecting young people is set to hit Winsford and Middlewich's schools.

The 'Taking Part' initiative, which will soon be introduced into schools throughout the county, is an interactive video workshop created by pupils themselves, conveying the message 'It's not worth it!'.

The video, launched recently by Cheshire County Council chairman David Newton, was produced by year 10 pupils at Heathfield High School, Congleton.

And it deals with the issues of stereotyping and pier-pressure as well as looking carefully at the dangers and consequences of experimenting with drugs, including legal substances like alcohol and cigarettes.

Cty Clr David Newton said: "The film was produced following extensive research to determine the level of drugs knowledge and attitudes among primary and secondary school pupils.

"The aim was to produce a relevant drug education resource which uses realistic role plays acted out by pupils themselves.

"And each scene is followed by relevant questions to trigger discussion.

David Cracknell, Cheshire's director of education and chairman of South Cheshire Drugs Action Team, said: "It is estimated up to half of all young people experiment with drugs and this is a worrying statistic.

"Drugs misuse is becoming common place in villages and towns of counties like Cheshire as it is in disadvantaged areas of larger cities.

"Cheshire's education service will continue to invest as much time and money as possible into helping prevent the very real problems facing us today."

He added: "We have been greatly helped by the understanding of both primary and secondary pupils about the needs of young people. This helps to provide the best drugs education possible for Cheshire schools."

The video will not only be available to council controlled schools but those which have opted out as well.

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