A PETITION of more than 160 names has been collected by a shop assistant in Winsford claiming measures taken by Vale Royal Borough Council and the town centre owners to rectify the rat problem are not good enough.

The woman, who asked not to be named, is campaigning for more direct action to be taken because she believes the situation is still not under control.

She said: "The rats are still there and I think more should be done to get rid of them.

"I spoke to a pest control man on the town centre last week and he said he was putting poison down at the back of shops. But I do not think this is good enough. The service areas are open to little children who could pick it up quite easily.

"This is a serious problem. I think people should know about the dangers of these rats and the diseases they carry.

"I am actually thinking about organising a public meeting about this and hiring out a hall. I think quite a few people would come because I have a lot of support based on the number of people who signed the petition.

"The problem is not under control yet and I think more direct action should be taken to ensure it is. They should be putting gas down the drainage system and sewers to ensure all the rats are wiped out."

She added: "I understand that the traders are concerned about losing business but if something more is not done it will just get worse."

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