A PETITION drawn up by Winsford residents has failed to produce action over a noise problem on a near-by busy road.

Members of the highways and transportation local joint committee received the document last November from residents living on the housing estate adjacent to the A54, Station Road by-pass.

The petition raised concerns about the noise generated by vehicles travelling along the Station Road by-pass and questioned the possibility of replacing the road surface with a quieter one.

Residents were also suggesting a reduction in the speed limit on the road to 40mph.

The petition was received by the county engineer and the director of development services at Vale Royal Borough Council, and a report into the suggestions was carried out.

Conducted by acting county engineer Alistair Haydock, the report conceded that the type of surfacing used on the road did generate more noise than other forms of material.

But it went on to stress that tar and chippings were a nationally used method of maintaining carriageways.

The report read: "In this instance it would not be economically practical to reconstruct the road surface using an alternative material that may be quieter."

And the other issue of reducing the speed limit on the by-pass was also rejected on the grounds there was already a 30mph stretch on the approach to the Station Road roundabout..

The report continued: "It is not possible to provide a quieter road surface and the existing speed limits are considered correct for this length of road."

However, a promise was made to further investigate the placing and use of road signs and markings near the Station Road junction.

And there was a pledge to formally request that police carry out enforcement of the road in line with their other duties.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.