MEASURES could soon be taken by Winsford Town Council to prevent gypsies returning to the car park behind the American Fried Chicken restaurant.

At a town council meeting on Monday night, councillors discussed various means of blocking unauthorised access to the site off New Road.

Wire has already been installed around existing fence posts as a temporary answer to the problem.

But councillors agreed that a more permanent method of keeping travellers off the land was required.

Clr Tony Hooton, said: "There's nothing to stop them getting back on to the land again. No barrier, nothing.

"At any time, someone can get on to this site. All the rubbish has been cleaned off it and it looks wonderful again but there's nothing to stop them getting back on and putting us back in the same situation.

"If the people do come back, the council can't be blamed because they can't block it off.

"It's not our responsibility, it's the owner of the land. The site may have been cleaned but that alone is not good enough."

Nick Harris, agreed: "I do not see why we can't put some posts across to block the entrance. We have a big problem here."

Councillors agreed to cost and research various ways of keeping unauthorised visitors off the land.

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