The reason I am putting pen to paper is to comment on the utter waste of resources that I and every other visitor to the forest witness each and every time we go, namely, fallen trees, discarded tree trunks and branches, just left to rot where they fell.

Couldn't these be utilised in some way? I should like to see them recycled into newspaper or wallpaper. Or, better still, the unemployed or people on re-training schemes could learn forestry skills whilst turning them into logs and distributing them to the pensioners and other needy groups who find the cost of heating fuel prohibitive.

This could go a long way to subsidising pensioners' income and also benefit unemployed people by enabling them to show new skills while job hunting.

It would also go a long way towards cleaning up the forest for visitors, maybe then I and others like me, may not object to paying car parking fees.


Wallerscote Road,


Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.