It is quite amazing to watch some of these parents trying to get their cars as near to the school door as possible!

I just feel that so many parents and children are missing out on the experience of walking to school.

I am fortunate in that I have just over a mile to walk and this turns out to be a brisk 20 minutes passing trees, wildlife, watching the changing seasons, admiring the well kept gardens on the way.

All in all it's 99% good quality time together.

As if these weren't incentives enough, did you know that traffic on Cheshire's

roads has increased by 40% in the last 10 years - that is a huge increase.

The health benefits go without saying, I believe my children are better prepared to start their school day because they have had some fresh air and good exercise.

Give it a try if it's good for the children it's just as good for the parents

and even better for the environment.

Do your community a favour and WALK TO SCHOOL.



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