What are the council and police doing about it?

Why should residents be afraid to go out at night? Why should we be afraid to go into a bank or building society? The staff in these establishments can activate screens and emergency buttons, but customers are left vulnerable.

Why are residents afraid to leave tubs of flowers or plant shrubs in their front gardens, knowing that sooner or later they will be vandalised?

Why should council tax payers have to put up with litter, usually alcohol cans and bottles, and take-away food cartons?

Decent hard-working people are fed up with the present situation which is getting worse not better.

These days everything is done to help the young, the elderly are treated like second class citizens, but are in fact the people who take a pride in their property and pay their bills - is it not time that they should feel safe in their homes and when they go into town?

Does anybody care? Will the council and police get their act together and make Northwich a better place in which to live.


The Pippins, Northwich.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.